Mount Etna is the largest active volcano in Europe. Early Monday morning the usual surrounding clouds had disappeared, allowing for a spectacular view from the our home in Linguaglosa.
After breakfast, we spent most of the day back in Castiglione di Sicilia. We were able to search family records, only to find out that any record keeping prior to 1921 was pretty basic. However, we were able to locate my grandfather's birth certificate and the street address where he lived before immigrating to Connecticut. The house where he lived is no longer standing, but we took a picture on the street where his house was located.
In the middle of the picture is Giuseppe Farfaglia. Somehow we are related, but we do not know how. We were unable to trace the family line, but we did find out that the last name Farfaglia is well known in Castigilione di Sicilia, but it is not a common last name. Thus, I conclude that all of the Farfaglias are related, but we don't know exactly how.
Last night, I had dinner in Linguaglosa with an old friend, Nick Cornwall, who is on deployment off the coast of Catania. Nick was a parishioner at Saint Helena's while in Navy flight school at the Corpus Christi Naval Air Station. He met and married his wonderful wife, April, at Saint Helena's when I was the pastor. It was great to see Nick again.
Father, I was not able to sign on until today. My God - what beautiful pictures and stories you have posted. I loved all the pictures - wish I could be there to see them. Thank you for posting them. Enjoy the rest of your trip with your family.