Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Sunday Visit to Castiglione di Sicilia

After offering the Extraordinary Form of the Catholic Mass in a private chapel located at the house that we are staying at in Linguaglosa, we were able to visit the town where my grandfather Vincenzo (James) Farfaglia was born .  The little town, located next to Linguaglosa, is called Castiglione di Sicilia.  We did find out that there are many members of our family in Castiglione.  We plan to find them tomorrow.  Stay tuned, more to come...


  1. Looking good! Shared the blog address with Patty and Sam DiMuzio whom your parents know well. I suspect you will be hearing from them.

    Patty is to have kidney surgery next Wednesday the 14th. It is minimally invasive and we all hope for the very best, but perhaps when you nest say say the Mass you might include both Patty and Sm in your intentions. I would be very grateful.

    Thanks for the blog and blessings to all of the Farfaglias!

