Saturday, August 17, 2013

Palermo in Depth

Today, Saro Pirrone, our tour guide, took us through the old part of Palermo. We saw some very beautiful churches. Here is a brief overview of our visit.

1. The Church of the Matorana
2. The Church of Gesu
3. The Palatine Chapel
4. The Palermo Cathedral
5. Restaurant - Antica Focacceria San Francisco started in 1834
6. The Massimo Theatre (scene of the shooting of Mary Corleone, Godfather III)


  1. Father, I love to see the old, beautiful churches. These were absolutely beautiful! Thank you for posting them.

  2. WOW; maybe I can see them sometime; difficult to imagine!
    ** what the Church used to be, that folks would build these churches all over, is something to ponder as well.
    Peace, Ann
